Tuesday 15 May 2012

An average male spends during his entire life around 3100 hours shaving. It's true!

When the Titanic departed from port it carried 1000 loaves of bread, 86,000 pounds of meat, 40,000 eggs and 36,000 apples to feed the passengers and crew on the 7 day voyage. Interesting and amazing!

Most people shed between 50 to 100 hairs every day. The question is, where do they go?

The average human with a full head of hair contains between 85,000 to 150,000 hairs.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the earths solar system. You should have known that one.

Squirrels forget where 50% of the nuts they've hidden are. Useless, Hahaha.

Did you know the first bullet proof vest was invented by a women. Cool!

Cold weather makes fingernails grow faster. Weird!

Only humans cry because of feelings. Awesome!

Mohammad is the most common birth name in the world. Wow!

It takes about 7 minutes for the average person to fall asleep.

You can give change for a dollar in 293 different coin variations. Good luck!

About 1 out of every 2 million people will die by falling out of bed. Be careful, not funny.

The construction on the Parisian Notre Dame Cathedral began in 1015 A.D and it took over 400 years to complete, It was completed in 1439 A.D.

If the human stomach doesn't produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks it will totally digest it's self. Weird!

75% of the world's population wash themselves in the shower from the top to the bottom. Head first feet last people.

There are 31,557,600 seconds in a year. Amazing!

One fifth of all the publications from Japan are comic books.

Writing fast consumes one sixth of the calories consumed while walking at a regular speed.

Four out of five people over 100 years old are women. Interesting!

The price of the Titanic was $7 million and the price of the Titanic movie was 200 million. Unbelievable!

There is only one metal which is liquid when it's at room temperature and it's mercury.

When water freezes it expands by 10%.

The only animal with four knees is the elephant.

Birth control pills designed for humans will also work for a gorilla. Now that's Strange!

A Toyota car is built in 13 hours and a Rolls Royce is built in 6 months.

A mid-sized car launched today generates only 5% of the pollution which was generated by a car from fifty years ago. Awesome!

Stopping a supertanker which is fully loaded and travels at a normal speed needs 20 minutes to stop completely.

A cat's ear has a total of thirty two muscles.

The average person laughs 15 times per day. Hahaha!

The eye of an ostrich is larger than it's brain.

A person eats around 60,000 pounds worth of food during his life which is the equivalent of six elephants. Incredible!

Ants can pull 30 times their own weight and lift 50 times their own weight. Now that's incredible.

A lion can mate more than 50 times in one day. Huh!

Did you know, you cannot fold a piece of paper in half more than 7 times. Try it!

More people are killed from donkeys in a year than planes.

Dead skin is the root cause of most of the dust in your house. That's Gross.

Lung cancer was how the cigarette company Marlboro's first owner died. Hmmm

Snails can sleep for up to 3 years.

You cannot think of an english word to rhyme with the word month because there isn't one.

If an infant becomes blind soon after they're born, they will still almost always see images in their dreams but infants born with blindness will most likely never have dreams with images.
People who were born blind do still have very emotionally intense dreams which include hearing, smells, feeling and taste. Now that's an interesting fact about dreams.

It is against the law in the state of Kentucky to marry a man more than 3 times.

In the state of Kentucky it is against the law to carry an ice cream in your back pocket.

On December 16th 1811 the mighty Mississippi river began to flow backwards due to a powerful earthquake.

Fires in the forest have been documented to move much faster up hill than down hill.

Did you know that your brain has no pain receptors or pain fibers and the brain it's self cannot feel? Your brain cannot even feel pain.
Although headaches are still not all the way understood, one reason it's believed you feel headaches is because the skull is surrounded by what's called meninges or blood vessels which do have pain receptors
Human brains are estimated to be 70 – 75% h2o.

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