Tuesday 12 June 2012



Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclm nckssqlbb11116.
Yep, a Swedish couple did attempt to name their baby that.
Other illegal names in Sweden include Ikea, Metallica and more recently the Swedish Tax Authority refused to allow parents to name their child Allah on the grounds that some people would take offence to the name..

Apparently, it seems Smelly Head is an illegal name too.
In Malaysia at least. Take my advice, if you go there on holiday don't call anybody Chow Tow.

Miatt is not allowed in Germany because the authorities state that it doesn't clearly show it being a boy's or girl's name.

Parents in Denmark are not allowed to name their child Anus. Why?!
Why would you even do that?
Unless you are an Anus yourself, I suppose... :p

Finally, the name Devil – or Akuma – is illegal in Japan..

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