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Thursday, 27 June 2013
Hasima the most densely populated place on earth
the 1930s, the Japanese island of Hasima was the most densely populated
place on Earth. On an area with a coastline of about 1 kilometer there
were more than 5,000 people. The island was populated from 1887 to 1974
as a coal mining facility.. However, by 1974, all the inhabitants of the
island is abandoned . Hasima now - it's a ghost town with abandoned
buildings and opened to tourists .

Difference of "Titanic" and the largest cruise ship "Allure of the Seas"
Difference of "Titanic" and the largest cruise ship "Allure of the Seas"

when a dog sees it's owner, its brain secretes the same substances as ours when we are in love?
Did you know that when a dog sees it's owner, its brain secretes the same substances as ours when we are in love?

India is the country which produces the most Films , producing about 1,000 films annually in various languages
is the country which produces the most Films , producing about 1,000
films annually in various languages . Internationally , India's
best-known films are the Hindi-language Bollywood blockbusters from
Mumbai . Next in line is Nigeria followed by the
U.S !

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Barber who gives free cut to homeless in hartford

Cymerys is a barber. He is 82
years old. Every Wednesday he
brings his chair, his slippers,
and a car battery to power the
clippers to a local park in
Hartford. He then gives
haircuts to the homeless. He
doesn't charge them a dime.
All they have to do is to give
him a hug.
Black holes

Black holes are perhaps the most interesting and terrifying objects in the Universe, despite us not really knowing much about them. They most commonly occur from the collapse of a massive star when the core runs out of fuel to ignite the star, collapses, and the outerlayer explodes in a phenomena known as a "supernova" blast. Many articles on a black hole's formation have been written by our team here, but to summarize: As the core of a massive star collapses, its gravity increases. The gravity gets so strong that, at the surface of the collapsing core, the escape velocity (how fast something would need to be traveling to escape the gravity of an object) increases to the speed of light, so nothing (not even light) can escape. Thus, why they call it a "black" hole. You may have already known that, but here are two more facts about black holes that you might not know.
1: Believe it or not, black holes can spin! That shouldn't come as much of a surprise due to the fact that stars rotate, and black holes are typically formed from the remnants of the collapsed core of a star. But surprisingly, this small fact is not known by a lot of people. What happens is, when the core collapses, the rotation speed increases significantly. As the core of the star condenses further, the rotation speed continues to increase and, if it doesn't have enough mass to become a black hole (typically the mass of 3 of our suns is necessary), the mass of the star condenses to an object only a few kilometers across. Though it is small, it is EXTREMELY heavy. These objects are called neutron stars. (If the magnetic poles of the neutron star are pointed towards our line of sight, we are able to see the light and radiation it emits, classifying the neutron star as a pulsar.) Anyways, the same is true for a black hole. Even as the matter shrinks smaller than the event horizon (and is lost to the Universe forever), the matter is still spinning.
2: Though classified as black by name, 'black' holes aren't always dark. As a matter of fact, they can become spectacularly bright given the right circumstances. This brightness generally occurs when stellar material begins to inch its way towards the event horizon of a black hole, which is the point at which the matter is destined to spiral inwards into a singularity. Sometimes, more material will accumulate just outside of the event horizon than the black hole can devour. Thus, the material builds up and forms an accretion disk, which will sometimes twirl around the event horizon in a sideways motion and actually go around the black hole before being sucked in. As a general rule, the more matter that falls into the black hole, the more matter that will pile up, sort of like an insanely huge intergalactic traffic jam. Some of the matter that's orbiting in towards the event horizon will be orbiting much faster than the matter that's orbiting further out. As a result, the matter will literally will rub together, which generates an astonishing amount of heat (sometimes hundreds of thousands of degrees) through friction. Consequently, the matter in the surrounding disk can become so hot that it appears luminous.
Furthermore, the magnetic poles of said black holes can sometimes generate a powerful beam of gamma radiation that an be seen from tremendous distances, wreaking havoc on anything located within a certain distance from the action.
So tell us, what obscure black hole fact do you find the most interesting or mind blowing. Besides, you know, the fact that they exist at all!

Read this beautiful Information
about Japan
1 - Did you know that Japanese
children clean their schools every
day for a quarter of an hour with
teachers, which led to the
emergence of a Japanese
generation who is modest and
keen on cleanliness.
2 - Did you know that any
Japanese citizen who has a dog
must carry bag and special bags
to pick up dog droppings.
Hygiene and their eagerness to
address cleanliness is part of
Japanese ethics.
3 - Did you know that hygiene
worker in Japan is called "health
engineer" and can command
salary of USD 5000 to 8000 per
month, and a cleaner is subjected
to written and oral tests!!
4 - Did you know that Japan does
not have any natural resources,
and they are exposed to
hundreds of earthquakes a year
but do not prevent her from
becoming the second largest
economy in the world? -
5 - Did you know that Hiroshima
returned to what it was
economically vibrant before the
fall of the atomic bomb in just ten
6 - Did you know that Japan
prevents the use of mobile in
trains, restaurants and indoor
7 - Did you know that in Japan
students from the first to sixth
primary year must learn ethics in
dealing with people -
8 - Did you know that the
Japanese even though one of the
richest people in the world but
they do not have servants. The
parents are responsible for the
house and children -
9 - Did you know that there is no
examination from the first to the
third primary level; because the
goal of education is to instill
concepts and character building,
not just examination and
indoctrination. -
10 - Did you know that if you go
to a buffet restaurant in Japan
you will notice people only eat as
much as they need without any
waste. No wasteful food.
11 - Did you know that the rate of
delayed trains in Japan is about 7
seconds per year!! They
appreciate the value of time, very
punctual to minutes and seconds
12 -. Did you know that children
in schools brush their teeth
(sterile) and clean their teeth after
a meal at school; They maintain
their health from an early age -
13 - Did you know that students
take half an hour to finish their
meals to ensure right digestion
When asked about this concern,
they said: These students are the
future of Japan
Let's ignite the Spark at
Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Blue is a tropical fish that reaches up to 4 meters long

Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Blue is a tropical fish that reaches up to 4 meters long and can weigh up to 750 kg. The Blue Marlin puts millions of eggs at once, and each one of the eggs measure 1 millimeter in diameter. It is also known by the names of saury, saury and saury.
What's going on here? This photograph does the rounds pretty regularly, and it's usually described as showing the parasitization of a Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) by Tetrastichus julis, a parasitoid wasp.

going on here? This photograph does the rounds pretty regularly, and
it's usually described as showing the parasitization of a Cereal leaf
beetle (Oulema melanopus) by Tetrastichus julis, a parasitoid wasp. They
eggs are laid within the beetle, where the hatch and feed on it while
it's alive. Eventually they burst out, killing the beetle.
Now, all this is true. However, the beetle isn't quite as full to the brim with parasites as it looks. The truth, believe it or not, is even stranger. There's just ONE parasitic larva in this photo, and you can clearly see it at the front. The rest of that squirmy mass inside the beetle? That's its fecal shield.
Yes, you read that correctly. A shield of fecal matter. Believe it or not, this is pretty common in leaf beetles. They deposit their fecal matter on their own backs. There, it acts as a deterrent to predators, prevents desiccation and provide camouflage.
Now, all this is true. However, the beetle isn't quite as full to the brim with parasites as it looks. The truth, believe it or not, is even stranger. There's just ONE parasitic larva in this photo, and you can clearly see it at the front. The rest of that squirmy mass inside the beetle? That's its fecal shield.
Yes, you read that correctly. A shield of fecal matter. Believe it or not, this is pretty common in leaf beetles. They deposit their fecal matter on their own backs. There, it acts as a deterrent to predators, prevents desiccation and provide camouflage.
Smoking facts & health risk:
*Cigarette contain more than 4000 chemical comp.&atleast 400 toxic substance.
*Researches has shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by 7-8 years.
*Major diseased caused by smoking-heart disease,lung cancer,mouth cancer,copd,asthma etc.
*Every 6.5 seconds A current or former smoker dies according to WHO.
So plz Quit now if u smoke cigarettes,if dont smoke tell it to others.!!

First pregnancy is the most interesting event in a woman’s life. It has an effect on every woman.
First pregnancy is the most interesting event in a woman’s life. It has an effect on every woman.
A number of actions are suggested whilst you have to ignore some others. To keep yourself as well as your child healthy and balanced, you will need to stop trying the unhealthy practices.
Read some of the First Pregnancy dos and Don’ts here:
A number of actions are suggested whilst you have to ignore some others. To keep yourself as well as your child healthy and balanced, you will need to stop trying the unhealthy practices.
Read some of the First Pregnancy dos and Don’ts here:

Human breast milk naturally contains many of the same cannabinoids found in marijuana, known to be vital for proper human development
Human breast milk naturally
contains many of the same
cannabinoids found in marijuana,
known to be vital for proper
human development
contains many of the same
cannabinoids found in marijuana,
known to be vital for proper
human development

Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali (a summer olympic gold medal winner) gave his first
Olympic medal to a high school
teacher who previously said "you
ain't never gonna be nuthin'"
Olympic medal to a high school
teacher who previously said "you
ain't never gonna be nuthin'"

The Sun Watcher ! SOHO
The Sun Watcher !
¤ The Solar and Heliospheric Obervatory (SOHO) is a space telescope that has been observing the sun since 1995.
¤ SOHO observes invisible and ultraviolet light and reveals huge prominences and outbursts of energy on the solar surface.
¤ SOHO has 12 instruments on-board and is orbiting around the Sun at a distance of about 1.5 million km (932,000) from Earth.

Early Mars atmosphere 'oxygen-rich' before Earth's (19 June 2013)

Early Mars atmosphere 'oxygen-rich' before Earth's (19 June 2013)
Mars could have sustained a habitable oxygen atmosphere more than a billion years before the Earth.
The conclusion was reached by researchers who have been examining both the data recorded by the Mars rovers and the composition of meteorites believed to have come from Mars. While the oxygen on Earth 2.5 billion years ago was most likely a direct result of life, the oxygen on Mars may have instead been created by a chemical process involving water.
"What we have shown is that both meteorites and surface volcanic rocks are consistent with similar origins in the deep interior of Mars, but that the surface rocks come from a more oxygen-rich environment, probably caused by recycling of oxygen-rich materials into the interior," said Dr Bernard Wood.
Source : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
Hottest stars are Blue Supergiants ,
Hottest stars are Blue Supergiants , like Eta Carinae , which is 180
times bigger than the Sun , 100 times more massive , and has a surface
temperature of ab
out 40,000*C (72,032*F).

Satellites to bring 'fast, cheap' Internet to 'under-connected'
Satellites to bring 'fast, cheap' Internet to 'under-connected'
The orbiters, part of a project dubbed O3b for the "other 3 billion" people with restricted Internet access, will be lifted by a Russian Soyuz rocket from Kourou in French Guiana at 1854 GMT.
"We are very close to launching a network that has the potential to change lives in very tangible ways and that is a tremendous feeling," O3b Networks chief technical officer Brian Holz said in a statement.
The project was born from the frustrations of Internet pioneer Greg Wyler with the inadequacy of Rwanda's telecommunications network, while travelling there in 2007.
"Access to the Internet backbone is still severely limited in emerging markets," Wyler said in unveiling the O3b venture in 2008—promising multi-gigabit Internet speeds to countries "whether landlocked in Africa or isolated by water in the Pacific Islands".
"Only when emerging markets achieve affordable and ubiquitous access to the rest of the world will we observe locally generated content, widespread e-learning, telemedicine and many more enablers to social and economic growth, which reflect the true value of the Internet," he said.
Wyler's plan was to bypass costly ground-based infrastructure like fibre-optics or cables by deploying a constellation of small satellites around the equator to serve as a spatial relay between users and the world wide web using only satellite dishes.
Such a system would cover a region between the latitudes of 45 degrees North and 45 degrees South—the entire African continent, most of Latin America, the Middle East, southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands.
There are already geostationary satellites providing this type of services, but at a prohibitive cost for many end-users.
Existing satellites generally obit at an altitude of some 36,000 kilometres (22,000 miles) above Earth, weigh in at a hefty four to six tonnes each, and take much longer to bounce a signal back to Earth—about 500 milliseconds to be exact, according to an O3b document."It is such a long delay that people speaking over a satellite link will shorten conversations, interactive web has an extremely poor experience and many web-based software programmes just won't function," it said.
The O3b satellites, built by the Franco-Italian company Thales Alenia Space, will orbit at 8,062 km and will weigh only 650 kilogrammes (1,400 pounds) each.
Crucially, they will communicate with Earth four times faster, said the company, and six would be enough to assure permanent coverage.
"O3b's prices will be 30 - 50 percent less than traditional satellite services," said the document.
And it added that a country like the Democratic Republic of Congo could move from being one of the most poorly-connected on Earth to one of the best.
Launch company Arianespace, which will put the satellites in orbit, said the O3b constellation will combine "the global reach of satellite coverage with the speed of a fiber-optic network".
Project investors include Internet giant Google, cable company Liberty Global, satellite operator SES, HSBC bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa.The first four satellites were due to be boosted into space on Monday but the launch was postponed by a day due to unfavourable weather conditions.
The next four satellites will be launched within weeks, according to Arianespace, and a final four "backup" orbiters early next year.
To refine its coverage, the constellation could in the end have as many as 16 supplementary satellites in addition to the 12 main ones, said O3b networks.

Value of Money
Do you want $20?
In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20."
"Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless… especially to those who love you.
In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20."
"Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless… especially to those who love you.

Petrol Can make u Blind
This is a freak incident that happened recently.
A young man and his 4 year old son went to a petrol bunk near Lalbagh (Bangalore) to fill in petrol for his bike. The boy was sitting on the pillion behind him.
The helper who fills petrol held the petrol gun upwards, and turned towards the meter to re-set the meter. As soon as the setting was done the ...petrol came out gushing out of the gun – due to some malfunction – (at least that’s what they said) in full speed and splashed all over the 4 yr old boy and his father.
Petrol entered the eyes of the boy. Immediately the boy was taken into the cleaning area and was showered in a water jet. They washed his eyes with lot of water. But the boy could not see anything.
The young man took the child to the hospital and immediately the hospital authorities put him in ICU. The kid was then transferred to Vittala Netralaya and after 2 days of treatment he got some vision again. Now he is all right and is at home.
The doctors told that just because the water cleaning was done immediately, he has vision today otherwise the boy would have been blind by now. Petrol (along with impurities) can burn the tissues inside the eye.
Now why am I posting this? Please take some precautions next time you are at a petrol bunk.
This is a freak incident that happened recently.
A young man and his 4 year old son went to a petrol bunk near Lalbagh (Bangalore) to fill in petrol for his bike. The boy was sitting on the pillion behind him.
The helper who fills petrol held the petrol gun upwards, and turned towards the meter to re-set the meter. As soon as the setting was done the ...petrol came out gushing out of the gun – due to some malfunction – (at least that’s what they said) in full speed and splashed all over the 4 yr old boy and his father.
Petrol entered the eyes of the boy. Immediately the boy was taken into the cleaning area and was showered in a water jet. They washed his eyes with lot of water. But the boy could not see anything.
The young man took the child to the hospital and immediately the hospital authorities put him in ICU. The kid was then transferred to Vittala Netralaya and after 2 days of treatment he got some vision again. Now he is all right and is at home.
The doctors told that just because the water cleaning was done immediately, he has vision today otherwise the boy would have been blind by now. Petrol (along with impurities) can burn the tissues inside the eye.
Now why am I posting this? Please take some precautions next time you are at a petrol bunk.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Some facts about the sun.
1. The Sun is one among the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy.
2. The Earth receives 94 billion megawatt of energy from Sun. This is equivalent to 40,000 times the power requirement of United States.
3. Each second the Sun loses 5 million tons of material.
4. The Sun's temperature at its core is 14 million Kelvin.
5. It takes up to 50 million years for the energy produced at the core of the Sun to reach its surface. If the Sun were to stop producing energy today, it would take 50 million years for significant effects to be felt at Earth.
6. The diameter of Sun is equivalent to the diameter of 109 earths.
7. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.
1. The Sun is one among the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy.
2. The Earth receives 94 billion megawatt of energy from Sun. This is equivalent to 40,000 times the power requirement of United States.
3. Each second the Sun loses 5 million tons of material.
4. The Sun's temperature at its core is 14 million Kelvin.
5. It takes up to 50 million years for the energy produced at the core of the Sun to reach its surface. If the Sun were to stop producing energy today, it would take 50 million years for significant effects to be felt at Earth.
6. The diameter of Sun is equivalent to the diameter of 109 earths.
7. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.
Kids Risking Their Lives to Reach School
Meet Chinese schoolchildren from the village of Genguan.
Everyday, these young kids walk along a precarious path carved by the side of a cliff, as they make their way to class in Bijie, in southwest China's Guizhou Province. Banpo Elementary School is located halfway up a mountain and the path to it winds through treacherous hillside passes and tunnels hew...n out of the rock.
The pebble-covered footpath is less than 0.5 meters wide, which means the children have to walk single file and press themselves into the side of the mountain if someone wants to squeeze past. This footpath was created 40 years ago as an irrigation ditch and although there is another safer route, but taking this means the children have to spend two hours to walk to school.
Meet Chinese schoolchildren from the village of Genguan.
Everyday, these young kids walk along a precarious path carved by the side of a cliff, as they make their way to class in Bijie, in southwest China's Guizhou Province. Banpo Elementary School is located halfway up a mountain and the path to it winds through treacherous hillside passes and tunnels hew...n out of the rock.
The pebble-covered footpath is less than 0.5 meters wide, which means the children have to walk single file and press themselves into the side of the mountain if someone wants to squeeze past. This footpath was created 40 years ago as an irrigation ditch and although there is another safer route, but taking this means the children have to spend two hours to walk to school.

Some facts about the sun.
1. The Sun is one among the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy.
2. The Earth receives 94 billion megawatt of energy from Sun. This is equivalent to 40,000 times the power requirement of United States.
3. Each second the Sun loses 5 million tons of material.
4. The Sun's temperature at its core is 14 million Kelvin.
5. It takes up to 50 million years for the energy produced at the core of the Sun to reach its surface. If the Sun were to stop producing energy today, it would take 50 million years for significant effects to be felt at Earth.
6. The diameter of Sun is equivalent to the diameter of 109 earths.
7. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.
1. The Sun is one among the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy.
2. The Earth receives 94 billion megawatt of energy from Sun. This is equivalent to 40,000 times the power requirement of United States.
3. Each second the Sun loses 5 million tons of material.
4. The Sun's temperature at its core is 14 million Kelvin.
5. It takes up to 50 million years for the energy produced at the core of the Sun to reach its surface. If the Sun were to stop producing energy today, it would take 50 million years for significant effects to be felt at Earth.
6. The diameter of Sun is equivalent to the diameter of 109 earths.
7. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.
The photograph first appeared on 26 March 1993 and was carried in many other newspapers around the world. Hundreds of people contacted the Times to ask the fate of the boy. The paper reported that it was unknown whether he had managed to reach the feeding center. In 1994, the photograph won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography.

How fun is sex?
We cannot admit that this generation has become so adventurous that even as early as 14 years old some of them are already engaged in sexual intercourse. But did you know that sex has benefits in both of our physical and emotional aspect? Well anything in excess is not good, there are also what we call sexually transmitted disease, but don't worry there are different ways on how t...o protect ourselves with these diseases.
Benefits of Sex
I know what you are thinking now, fun and pleasure right? Yes that's true, that is one of the benefits of having sexual intercourse, but there are other surprising benefits of sex.
A great stress reliever:
Maybe this doesn't surprise you but countless research has proven that having a regular sexual intercourse will greatly lower your blood pressure, relax your body.
Immunity booster
Study shows that having sex once or twice a week will increase your antibody called immunoglobulin A or igA, which is a good protection against cold and other infections.
Burn Calories
Thirty minutes of sex can burn up to 85 calories, but having 42 half-hour sessions can burn up to 3,570 calories, enough to lose 1 pound. So no wonder why pornstars have a slim body.
Healthy Heart
They say that having a long sex can cause stroke, that's just a folklore. Having sex can reduce the risk of fatal heart attack. Since we are burning calories it means we are also exercising our body, and we all know that exercise is good for the heart and body.
Boost self-esteem
It was proven in a research that people who are having sex has more self-esteem than those who don't, that's why in most movie we can see that nerds usually don't have self-esteem why douchebags are full of self-esteem.
It improves intimacy
When a couple had sex their hormone oxytocin level increase, this is the so called "Love Hormones" which help us build bonds and trust to each other.
Pain Killer
As you are having a sexy time with your partner your oxytocin increases dramatically, this is our natural pain killer. That's why headache, arthritis, PMS or other kind of pain is not an excuse not to get laid.
Reduces the risk of prostate cancer
Research proves that frequent ejaculation (by sex or masturbation) can reduce the risk of having prostate cancer in the long run, having 21 or more ejaculation monthly is proven to be healthy (not too much ofcourse) to men.
Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.
To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.
"Sleep Well"
As I stated before, having sexual intercourse releases oxytocin, and this also promotes sleep. We all experience that after sex we feel so tired as if we really like to sleep right? that's because of oxytocin.
Healthy skin
Having is sex is having a better circulation, and a better circulation means that more oxygen can flow through our body and to our skin which will give a brighter and healthier skin. This is the reason for the so called "after-sex-glow". More wrinkles in the bed = fewer wrinkles in the face.
Gives us great hair.
Hormones not only control our sex drives, but also the condition of our hair. Research has shown that a satisfying sex life results in healthy, lush hair due to the body's increased ability to receive and metabolize nutrients efficiently.
Healthier sperm count
Several studies show that men who have frequent sex have higher volumes of semen, a higher sperm count and a higher percentage of healthy sperm compared to men who have infrequent sex. This is good news for women, as research shows the absorption of semen helps you combat depression, boosts your energy and even helps you have a smoother delivery, if you're pregnant.
No more zits!
Sex can balance our hormones which can give a clearer and brighter skin, maybe you're wondering why pornstars have a perfect skin complexion right?
Fights cavities.
Turns out that semen is chock-full of zinc, calcium and other tooth decay-fighting minerals that benefit us when our bodies absorb it. While having lots of sex can't replace a biannual trip to the dentist, having extra doses of these minerals certainly can't hurt our pearly whites.
We cannot admit that this generation has become so adventurous that even as early as 14 years old some of them are already engaged in sexual intercourse. But did you know that sex has benefits in both of our physical and emotional aspect? Well anything in excess is not good, there are also what we call sexually transmitted disease, but don't worry there are different ways on how t...o protect ourselves with these diseases.
Benefits of Sex
I know what you are thinking now, fun and pleasure right? Yes that's true, that is one of the benefits of having sexual intercourse, but there are other surprising benefits of sex.
A great stress reliever:
Maybe this doesn't surprise you but countless research has proven that having a regular sexual intercourse will greatly lower your blood pressure, relax your body.
Immunity booster
Study shows that having sex once or twice a week will increase your antibody called immunoglobulin A or igA, which is a good protection against cold and other infections.
Burn Calories
Thirty minutes of sex can burn up to 85 calories, but having 42 half-hour sessions can burn up to 3,570 calories, enough to lose 1 pound. So no wonder why pornstars have a slim body.
Healthy Heart
They say that having a long sex can cause stroke, that's just a folklore. Having sex can reduce the risk of fatal heart attack. Since we are burning calories it means we are also exercising our body, and we all know that exercise is good for the heart and body.
Boost self-esteem
It was proven in a research that people who are having sex has more self-esteem than those who don't, that's why in most movie we can see that nerds usually don't have self-esteem why douchebags are full of self-esteem.
It improves intimacy
When a couple had sex their hormone oxytocin level increase, this is the so called "Love Hormones" which help us build bonds and trust to each other.
Pain Killer
As you are having a sexy time with your partner your oxytocin increases dramatically, this is our natural pain killer. That's why headache, arthritis, PMS or other kind of pain is not an excuse not to get laid.
Reduces the risk of prostate cancer
Research proves that frequent ejaculation (by sex or masturbation) can reduce the risk of having prostate cancer in the long run, having 21 or more ejaculation monthly is proven to be healthy (not too much ofcourse) to men.
Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.
To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.
"Sleep Well"
As I stated before, having sexual intercourse releases oxytocin, and this also promotes sleep. We all experience that after sex we feel so tired as if we really like to sleep right? that's because of oxytocin.
Healthy skin
Having is sex is having a better circulation, and a better circulation means that more oxygen can flow through our body and to our skin which will give a brighter and healthier skin. This is the reason for the so called "after-sex-glow". More wrinkles in the bed = fewer wrinkles in the face.
Gives us great hair.
Hormones not only control our sex drives, but also the condition of our hair. Research has shown that a satisfying sex life results in healthy, lush hair due to the body's increased ability to receive and metabolize nutrients efficiently.
Healthier sperm count
Several studies show that men who have frequent sex have higher volumes of semen, a higher sperm count and a higher percentage of healthy sperm compared to men who have infrequent sex. This is good news for women, as research shows the absorption of semen helps you combat depression, boosts your energy and even helps you have a smoother delivery, if you're pregnant.
No more zits!
Sex can balance our hormones which can give a clearer and brighter skin, maybe you're wondering why pornstars have a perfect skin complexion right?
Fights cavities.
Turns out that semen is chock-full of zinc, calcium and other tooth decay-fighting minerals that benefit us when our bodies absorb it. While having lots of sex can't replace a biannual trip to the dentist, having extra doses of these minerals certainly can't hurt our pearly whites.

In 1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27, was the only surgeon in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition. During the expedition, he felt severe pain in the stomach and had a high fever. Rogozov examined himself and discovered that his appendix was inflamed and could burst at any time. With a local anesthesia, he operated himself to remove the appendix. An engineer and a meteorologist assisted surgery.
idol rock

Idol Rock – Nature’s Balancing Act
The 50-acre expanse of Brimham Moor in North Yorkshire, England is home to a number of curious rock formations shaped by tens of thousands of years of erosion, but the most impressive of all is Idol Rock, a 200-ton monolith balancing on a tiny pyramidal base.
The 15-foot high Idol Rock looks like it’s about to crumble, but it never does. Weighing an estimated 2...00 tons, the giant rock formation has been performing its amazing balancing act for as long as anyone can remember, defying the laws of physics and leaving the visitors of Brimham Moor scratching their heads in awe. Also known as The Druids Idol or The Druid’s Writing Desk, this unique attraction sits on a tiny lump of rock only one foot in circumference. Photos of it have been circulating on the internet for years, with many claiming it is just the result of Photoshop manipulation, but the Idol of Brimham is very real, an example of Mother Nature’s artistic talent.
The 50-acre expanse of Brimham Moor in North Yorkshire, England is home to a number of curious rock formations shaped by tens of thousands of years of erosion, but the most impressive of all is Idol Rock, a 200-ton monolith balancing on a tiny pyramidal base.
The 15-foot high Idol Rock looks like it’s about to crumble, but it never does. Weighing an estimated 2...00 tons, the giant rock formation has been performing its amazing balancing act for as long as anyone can remember, defying the laws of physics and leaving the visitors of Brimham Moor scratching their heads in awe. Also known as The Druids Idol or The Druid’s Writing Desk, this unique attraction sits on a tiny lump of rock only one foot in circumference. Photos of it have been circulating on the internet for years, with many claiming it is just the result of Photoshop manipulation, but the Idol of Brimham is very real, an example of Mother Nature’s artistic talent.
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